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Rassegna stampa curata saltuariamente da Marco Vasta

20/09/2002  Maoisti abbattono elicottero privato noleggiato. Sequestrato il pilota

dal 20/09/2002 al 20/09/2002 Stato: Nepal

Notizie collegate su
Ladakh Kashmir
On Line




Regione: - Dipartimento: -
Città: Solo Khumbu
Fonte:Kantipur On Line

In Breve (lingua: Italiano )

Un chopper della Karnali Air (un modello molto piccolo per 4/5 passeggeri ndr) è stato abbattuto il giorno 19 dai maoisti nel Nepal orientale, regione Solo Khumbu. L'apparecchio era stato noleggiato da una famiglia. Tre passeggei sarebbero salvi mentre il pilota ed un altro passeggro sarebbero stati sequestrati dai maoisti.

Contenuto di: Maoisti abbattono elicottero privato noleggiato

Quotidiani indiani
Hindustan Tines
Times of India

Indian government information

Indian parliament

ulla parola)

Un chopper della Karnali Air (un modello molto piccolo per 4/5 passeggeri ndr) è stato abbattuto il giorno 19 dai maoisti nel Nepal orientale, regione Solo Khumbu. L'apparecchio era stato noleggiato da una famiglia. Tre passeggei sarebbero salvi mentre il pilota ed un altro passeggro sarebbero stati sequestrati dai maoisti.

Helicopter burnt by Maoists terrorists
KOL Report
KATHMANDU, Sept 19 – Reports from Okhaldhunga district in the north east of the country say that suspected Maoist terrorists have set fire to a helicopter belonging to a private airlines early Thursday morning.
The helicopter, a French built AS 350 Equerel of Karnali Air, was found burning by another helicopter of the same airlines sent to search for the helicopter at Jhubu, about 10 miles north-east of Rumjhatar.
The helicopter was carrying four passengers and a single crewmember and had taken off from Kathmandu for Jhubu early Thursday. The helicopter however, failed to report back to control tower at scheduled time of landing at Jhubu at 10.30 a.m.
Whereabouts of the passengers and crewmember remains unknown till now.
However, Executive Chairman of Karnali Air, Narayan Singh Pun said Maoist terrorists had set fire to the helicopter as soon as it landed at Jhubu and that two of the passengers had escaped and telephoned their relatives regarding the incident. He also quoted the two passengers as saying the Maoists had taken the captain of the helicopter and two other passengers hostage.
There are no other details of the incident. (rk)

Altri link: marco vasta 
Altri link: Maoisti abbattono elicottero privato noleggiato 

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