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Miniprogetti di sostegno alla
Lamdon Model High School

Info 347 700 10 81
Aiuto allo Zanskar onlus

organizzazione non lucrativa
di utilità sociale ai sensi del D.Lgs. n° 460/97
Conto corrente bancario
Aiuto allo Zanskar - onlus
Banca Popolare Etica
Filiale di Padova
ABI 5018 - CAB 12100


Il Ladakh è in corso una campagna per la diffusione dell'illuminazione tramite fotovoltaico.
Una relazione con punti di forza ed errori compiuti si trova sul sito di Auroville nella sezione Aurora.
Cliccando qui puoi scaricare la relazione pubblicata nel 2002 con fotografia di Lingshed e sTongde gompa.



Solar Home System

The SHS cost about US$300 each, and consist of a 40 Wp PV module, a 75 Ah deep-cycle battery with oversized electrolyte reservoir, a solid state charge controller, and two 11 W fluorescent lamps. The system is sized to allow both lights to be used for three hours every night in winter, with a two-day 'no sun' back-up period.

The SHS had to incorporate some special features to cope with the extremely low winter temperatures prevalent all over Ladakh. Night-time winter temperatures of -30°C are not unusual, and there is a risk of freezing batteries. To reduce the chance of this, the acid used in the batteries was of a relatively high specific gravity (1280 g/litre), and the battery was also placed inside a battery box with polystyrene sheets all around it to give it some thermal insulation. Furthermore, as wires tend to be affected by the low temperatures and over time turn brittle and break, a special polyethylene-sheathed cable was used that can withstand the low temperatures.

The SHS installed - a 75 Ah battery and two, 11 W tube-lights
The SHS installed - a 75 Ah battery and two, 11 W


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17 novembre  2002