Lamdon Model SchoolUpti - Zanskar - Ladakh - JK - IndiaA school in ZanskarRegd. under Societies Registeration Act VI of 1998 (1941 A.D.) n° 1673-S of 1990 |
AàZ Association
Association Loi de 1901. |
Under all circumstances, AàZ remains completely neutral, and avoids any interference in the functioning of the school.
AàZ spends all of its sponsorship funds on the children who are being sponsored at LMS. These funds permit the Lamdon Model School to cover part of its operating expenses (teachers' salaries, school supplies, upkeep of the classrooms...).
Specific Projects
AàZ also finances projects wich are directely related to the school by using funds earmarked for school sponsorship and donations. For example, AàZ is currently partecipating in the financing of the construction of a new school which will permit the children to work in a comfortable and acceptable setting.
Presence of AàZ representatives
Finally, at the request of the LMS, AàZ may send on of its member to Zanskar, in order to help the school in specific area (education, health, etc.)
This description of AàZ and its work is a resume of the «Association Charter» .
You become member of the AZA
An association's strength is in the number of its members. Today, AàZ includes over 250. Your membership requires an annual fee of 250FF. It permit you to receive regular news from the school or the children, and to partecipate in different activities.
You sponsor a child
To sponsor a child implies that there, on the edges of the Himalayas, a child eill go to school thanks to you. You will have a special relationship with this chid. You may exchange mail, you will receive his/her photo and his/her school grades every year. You mught even visti your child during a trip to Zanskar. Sponsorship includes membership in the AàZ and an annual fee of 138 €. This membership will continue until he/she leaves school (12 years minimum).
You sponsor the school
Sponsorship of the school consist of supporting the improvement of the educational conditions. Your sponsorship will contribute for example, to the construction of a new school or a library. The annual fee for sponsorship of the school include membership in the AàZ and an annual fee of 118 €, with no promise of duration on your part.
You became a donor
Finally, you might become a donor. The funds collected thus are utilised for specific projects related to the school. The donor system leaves you completely free to decide on contribution.
The objective of this school was a simple idea: the teaching condition not being well-adapted to the caracteristics of Zanskar beacause of its isolation and the difficulties of tis climate, the solution consisted of creating a school for the Zanskary people. Over the long run, better teaching would thus permit the region to lessen its dependance on the exterior world in all areas or aspects: economic, health, education, administration...
Of Course such a project would not be without any obstacles, Zanskar being a naturaly poor region. The school had a hard time functioning at first, with only 42 students and 2 teachers.
This new vocation quickly focused all of "Adepte energies", and it thus became "Adepte Zanskar" (now AàZ Association).
To day AàZ counts 280 members, both sponsors and donors, and transfers about 170.000 FF annually to the LMS. But most importantly, LMS, with 11 teachers, provides a regular teaching schedule recognized to be of high quality to more than 250 students, for whom the joy of going to school can be seen on their faces.
The Zanskar region is a part of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, a key area between China and Pakistan. It is situated to the north of the Grand Himalaya Range, and to the south of the upper valley of the Indus river.
The mountainous terrain along with the roughness of its climate, make access to this region very difficult. From the first snow fall, wich happens in November, the area goes into hibernation. The temperature on this plateau 3500 meters up regularly drop to -35°.
Approximately 12.00 people make a poor living from africulture and animal-raising, with most of this work taking place in the summer. The mostly Buddhist population is very closely attached to the spiritual leader the Dalai Lama. This religion faith has led to the region being nicknamed "Little Tibet".
The geografic isolation permitted the people of Zanskar to conserve thei identity and tradition. But this actractive and well preserved authenticity must not hide the difficulties and problems faced by the Zanskari people.
Association Charter |
The Association Charter of AàZ is dedicated to everyone and every organisation concerned by the Association's actions. The Charter aims are to define clearly:
The moneys are transferred after cheking the numpber of children attending regularly the school during the school year.
The capacity of AàZ to find sponsors being limited, this type of support is limited to a maximum number of 300 children shared out in 12 12 classes of different level, which means an average of 25 children per class.
For each requirement of funding of a project for the school, LMS or all other interlocutors will send a written request to AàZ joined to buy a description whiw will include a plan, objectives, necessary means, available means, delays, budget, etc. ...
Therefore the support of AàZ is essentially financial or humanitarian. In general AàZ will never send support in the form of equipment or supplies.
AàZ support benig limited to the school of Pibiting, any help given by AàZ for health reasons will be exsclusevley for the children.
Furthermore, AàZ support is not individual but given to all the children of the school.
AàZ will not attend the control of to get involved in the managment of the LMS or of the school. Althought AAZ, for its support, expects to receive a detailed annual report of the school acrtivity as well as all accounting details justifying the use of moneys transferred from AàZ to LMS.
The use of the funds for personal, political aims or others than described above in this charter, will bring a final and definitive stop to the support.
For your sponsorship remember: INTERNATIONAL POSTAL ORDER
to: Association AàZ
B.P. 44
92380 Garches - France